2024 - 2025
Round-Robin Standings

No. Team Win / Loss
1 Jeff Gorda 9 - 1
2 Brandon Tippin 9 - 1
3 Don Campbell 7 - 3
4 Cory Heggestad 6 - 4
5 Willie MacPherson 5 - 5
6 Andrew Thompson 6 - 5
7 Stephane Lauzon 5 - 5
8 Wyllie Allan 5 - 6
9 Susan Froud 5 - 6
10 Greg Bruce 3 - 8
11 Jeff Flanagan 2 - 8
12 Larry Heittola 0 - 10

In the event that teams are tied for playoff positions, the Simcoe Major Curling League uses a tie-breaking format to determine the final round-robin standings prior to the playoffs. The first criteria to break a tie is the head-to-head match-up. The second criteria is a combined team draw to the button score. To determine the tie-breaking score, each member of a team throws one rock to the button and the distance from the pin to each rock is measured. An aggregate team score is calculated by totalling the measurements of the best 3 of the 4 shots. As always, closest to the pin wins, so the lower the score the higher the team's tie-breaker ranking. The current standings have been adjusted using the tie-breaker rankings.

Tie-Breaker Standings

No. Skip Score In CM
1 Greg Bruce 4.5
2 Andrew Thompson 55
3 Willie MacPherson 72
4 Cory Heggestad 94
5 Jeff Flanagan 108
6 Wyllie Allan 125
7 Susan Froud 128
8 Stephane Lauzon 129
9 Don Campbell 134.5
10 Brandon Tippin 156.5
11 Jeff Gorda MAX
12 Larry Heittola MAX

2024 - 2025
Round-Robin Winnings

Skip 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Skip 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Brandon Tippin
$ $ L $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Andrew Thompson L
$ $ L $ L L $ L $ $
Susan Froud L L
$ L $ L L L $ $ $
Willie MacPherson $ L L
$ L $ $ $ L
Jeff Gorda L $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $
Jeff Flanagan L L L
L L L $ $ L
Wyllie Allan L $ $ L L $
L $ L $ L
Don Campbell L $ $ $ L $ $
$ $ L
Stephane Lauzon L L $ L L $ L
$ $ $
Greg Bruce L $ L L L L $ L L
$ L
Larry Heittola L L L L
Cory Heggestad
L L $ L $ $ $ L $ $

Standings up to and including Feb 19, 2025

Simcoe Major Curling League • c/o Andrew Thompson •
Email: aeThompson5@hotmail.com
Simcoe Major Curling League
c/o Andrew Thompson
Email: aeThompson5@hotmail.com